16-32-4 Starter
16-32-4 has been used in hydro-seeders as a starter fertilizer for over 15 years . Since then there have been many imitations, although other formulators can get the analysis close making sure the ingredients are right is vital. So use Eco Green Supply’s formulation because how it’s formulated makes all the difference.
Rate: 8,000 ft.2
Size: 50 lbs.
22-16-6 100% Stabilized with Regain and Bio-Solids, Starter & Follow-up Fertilizer
22-16-6 is your secret weapon to establishing healthy turf, at seeding or as a follow-up. We have proven the benefits of this fertilizer in a hydro-seeder, in college turfgrass establishment trials and on athletic fields. Give it a shot and see why the pros use it!
Rate: 10,000-14,000 ft.2
Size: 50 lbs.
Starter Fertilizer

Properly timed and applied fertilizers improve the overall appearance and resilience of lawns, gardens, and ornamental plants, ensuring they thrive throughout the growing season.
16-32-4 Starter
16-32-4 has been used in hydro-seeders as a starter fertilizer for over 15 years . Since then there have been many imitations, although other formulators can get the analysis close making sure the ingredients are right is vital. So use Eco Green Supply’s formulation because how it’s formulated makes all the difference.
Rate: 8,000 ft.2
Size: 50 lbs.
17-2-11 60% EPEC, CPM, and SOP
Similar to 21-2-7; 17-2-11 contains Pearl Valley's Aerobically Composted Chicken Manure (ACCM). ACCM is an all natural, slow-release, non-burning organic blend rich in humates, carbohydrates, and trace minerals. Use 17-2-11 in place of 21-2-7 when higher potassium is required.
Rate: 8,500 sq. ft.
Size: 50 lbs.
21-2-7 60% EPEC, PCU with 40% Healthy Grow CPM SOP
22-16-6 100% Stabilized with Regain and Bio-Solids, Starter & Follow-up Fertilizer
22-16-6 is your secret weapon to establishing healthy turf, at seeding or as a follow-up. We have proven the benefits of this fertilizer in a hydro-seeder, in college turfgrass establishment trials and on athletic fields. Give it a shot and see why the pros use it!
Rate: 10,000-14,000 ft.2
Size: 50 lbs.
24-0-12 50% PCU, Micros, Biosolids
24-0-12 was formulated based on soil tests. Frequently we’ve seen the need for additional potassium to be added into a turf grass manager’s nutrient program. This fertilizer is an excellent way to add potassium without having to make a separate potassium application.
Rate: 14,000 ft.2
Size: 50 lbs.
25-0-5 50% HKCU, 50% N-Fate 14% S
Special Order Product!
Try it, you'll like it...'nuff said. Lasts 6 weeks. Sold by the half truckload only.
Rate: 12,500 sq. ft.
Size: 50 lbs.
33-0-8 Two AP
33-0-8 produces dark green color within only a few days and lasts over 16 weeks. It utilizes poly coated urea (PCU) that releases through heat and water, so excessive heat or excessive water minimally affect it.
Rate: 12,500-16,000 ft.²
Size: 50 lbs.
Note: 1000lbs sack available via special order
Fertilizer-220 SGN
With over 125 combined years in the Green Industry, we have the ideal fertilizer developed for every soil type and need.
What is Nutri-Pel?
Nutri-Pel is a nutrient-rich organic fertilizer which can be used alone as a soil rejuvenator to increase microbial activity and nutrient uptake or in fertilizer blends as a filler
Organic bio-solid containing Nitrogen (N) and Phosphorus (P) which is insoluble, yet available to the plant
Nutri-Pel Benefits
Low Burn Potential
Quick and long lasting Green up from Organic Nitrogen (N)
Proven to retain soluble fertilizers in the soil and reduce leaching
Proven to stimulate the proliferation of desirable soil organisms
Proven to increase plant uptake of nutrients
Improves water retention and contributes to the cation-exchange capacity of the soil
Fertilizer with Nutri-pel
18-0-5 100% RxN With 0.37% Prodiamine
Seasonal product!
18-0-5 100% RxN is designed to provide deep color in the spring through stabilized Nitrogen. Since it contains 100% Stabilized Nitrogen you know that it will release consistently. Don't be fooled by cheaper competitor's products that only have 25% Stabilized Nitrogen...that is merely a feel good application.
Rate: 12,500-14,500 sq. ft.
Size: 50 lbs.
20-0-10 AMS, Urea & SOP with 0.42% Prodiamine
23-0-8 60% EPEC with 0.125% Dimension
Seasonal product!
Like 16-0-5, 23-0-8 can be applied until late Spring; however, it is to be used on lawns that need more recovery from winter damage. Use the higher rate to get the nutrient portion of the fertilizer to last 8 weeks and for increased annual weed protection.
Rate: 12,500-14,500 ft.2
Size: 50 lbs.
33-0-8 TwoAp 9% AmSul 75% EPECs with 0.125% Dimension
33-0-8 produces dark green color within only a few days and lasts over 16 weeks. Therefore, only two applications are needed per year. It utilizes Poly Coated Urea (PCU) that releases through heat and water, so excessive heat or excessive water minimally affect it. Also available with Merit® and without Dimension®.
Rate: 12,500-14,500 ft.2
Size: 50 lbs.
33-0-8 TwoAp 9% AmSul 75% EPECs with 0.37% Prodiamine
Seasonal product!
33-0-8 produces dark green color within only a few days and lasts over 16 weeks. Therefore, only two applications are needed per year. It utilizes Poly Coated Urea (PCU) that releases through heat and water, so excessive heat or excessive water minimally affect it.
Rate: 12,500-14,500 ft.2
Size: 50 lbs.
Fertilizers with Herbicides
Why do we use a higher amount of Pre-emergence Chemicals on our fertilizers?
The cost of a bag of fertilizer is actually a useless way to determine the true cost. What needs to be determined is the true cost of the square footage that bag covers and how long the chemistry or nutrients will last. We try to provide the most economical, efficient, and environmentally responsible ways to accomplish this goal. By using higher rates of chemicals it allows our bags to cover 14,500 ft.2 or more. This allows us to design a nutrient package that covers 14,500 ft.2 or more instead of 12,500 ft.2 or less (and still provide proper particle distribution)! This allows applicators to be 14% more efficient by handling less bags and going 14% further per bag! Also, This allows us to deliver 14% less bags to our customers to cover their total square footage and allows our truck to haul 14% more square footage per truckload! Additionally, it allows our suppliers to use 14% less packaging material and ship 14% more product to us per truckload! So what does it mean to the customer? More Coverage = Reduction in Labor + Reduction in Environmental Impact + Greater Efficiency + Greater Profits for the customer! AND that is why REDUCTION is Eco Green Supply’s Purpose!
One AP Maintain 38-0-7 with 0.42% Cavalcade®
Seasonal product!
One AP Maintain should be applied in the Spring and is formulated for season long feeding and pre-emergence control. One AP Maintain has all the benefits of One AP Northern, but is to be used on commercial sites where traffic and recovery are not issues, it helps Maintain a nice green color, also available with Millennium and without Cavalcade®.
Rate: 11,500-13,000 ft.2
Size: 50 lbs.
One AP™ Fertilizer
The most innovative fertilizer in the 21st Century is designed to let the fertilizer do the work while you work on weed control, aerations, or landscaping. For more information go to one-ap.com
19-0-4 50% PCSCU with Dimension and Acelepryn
Combination Acelepryn® & Dimension®
Why separate applications of pre-emergence and grub control when they have been combined into one?
Award Turf Fertilizer containing Acelepryn® and Dimension® combines two premier active ingredients in one great product. Dimension’s extended application window provides season-long control of crabgrass and suppresses other listed annual grasses and broadleaf weeds. Acelepryn, recognized by the EPA as a reduced risk pesticide, controls both surface and sub-surface feeding insects for season-long grub control. For maximum effectiveness, apply before mid-May and at the higher listed rates for preventative and curative control.
0-0-7 with 0.067% Acelepryn®
Seasonal product!
0-0-7 is an easy way to apply Acelepryn® insecticide. Again it covers the same square footage as most fertilizers so there is no need to re-calibrate to ensure proper application. Provides flexibility to insecticide application if turf does not require fertilizer.
Rate: 14,535 ft.2
Size: 50 lbs.
20-0-8 50% PCSCU with 0.067% Acelepryn®
Seasonal product!
20-0-8 with Acelepryn® promotes healthy turf with the added benefit of protecting the root zone from sub surface feeders and the shoot and crown from surface feeders.
Rate: 14,535 ft.2
Size: 50 lbs.
33-0-7 with 0.2% Merit®
33-0-7 produces dark green color within only a few days and lasts over 16 weeks. It utilizes Poly Coated Urea that releases through heat and water, so excessive heat or excessive water minimally affect it. Also available with Dimension® or without Merit®.
Rate: 11,000-14,000 ft.2
Size: 50 lbs.
Fertilizers with Insecticide
The more efficient you make your applications the higher your profits....so include an insecticide in fertilizer applications!
15-0-4 25% PCSCU Q-3
Award Turf Fertilizer Q3 Weed & Feed is formulated to feed your lawn and control most annual grasses and broadleaf weeds commonly found in home lawns. The product contains a lawn fertilizer and three different herbicides. Ideally apply when dew is on the leaf.
Rate: 11,100-14,500 sq. ft. per bag
Size: 50 lbs.
21-22-4 35% Methylene Urea, 0.08% Mesotrione
21-22-4 with Mesotrione is a convenient way to apply a slow release starter fertilizer and weed pre-emergent herbicide at the time of seeding. Great for overseeding jobs, snow plow repair and lawn installations where hydroseeding isn't practical. Get your grass seed growing without the weeds!
Rate: 9,300 ft.2
Size: 40 lb.
Weed & Feed Fertilizers
ProLinks Fertilizer
As many of you know, EC Grow is one of the premier formulators in the Fairway and Greens Grade fertilizer business, give it a try and see for yourself!
HG 2-4-3 (SGN 90 or 180, Mini or Mid Size)
Healthy Grow® 2-4-3 is Pearl Valley’s premium all-organic fertilizer, naturally high in calcium, an essential nutrient that promotes strong and healthy plants. It is excellent for all turf applications, enhancing top dressing, gardens, and landscape beds. Healthy Grow is Aerobically Composted Chicken Manure (ACCM), an all-natural, slow-release, non-burning organic blend rich in humates, carbohydrates and trace minerals, which naturally enhances any soil type and promotes turf and plant quality. By adding this additional organic matter you improve soil tilth, reduce compaction, and enhance water availability. Healthy Grow contains no heavy metals or human bio solids. And because it is fully composted, you don’t get the odor problems normally associated with manure-based composts.
Turf Rate: 1,000-2,000 ft.2
Landscape Beds: 5 lbs./100 ft.2 (i.e. 50 lbs/M)
Size: 50 lbs.
RPM 4-2-2 Accelerator with Mycorrhizae Mini-SGN 90 or Mid-SGN 180
Healthy Grow® RPM 4-2-2 utilizes an aerobically composted organic based nutrition and biology product - enhanced with sea plant, molasses, ammonium sulfate, and NOW Endo/Ecto Mycorrhizae! These ingredients initially accelerate the biological and plant nutrient activity improving response and desired plant and soil conditions. RPM 4-2-2 can be applied to new or established Lawns, Landscapes, Golf Courses, Sports Fields, Gardens and Trees. For Optimum Results, aerate prior to application when applying to established turf.
Greens & Tees: 2,000-6,000 ft.2
Fairways & Roughs: 5-25 lbs/M or (1,100 lbs./A)
Landscape Beds: 1.25 lbs./100 ft.2 (i.e. 12.5 lbs/M)
Size: 50 lbs.
HG 8-3-5 (SGN 90 or 180, Mini or Mid Size)
Healthy Grow® 8-3-5 is an economical nutritional blend for quick spring green-up. Formulated to provide the optimum level of nutrients for sustaining turf grasses through the spring months. Nutrients derived from: ACCM, Ammonium Sulfate, Methylene Urea, Urea, SOP, Molasses, and Iron Sulfate.
Greens & Tees: 4,000-8,000 ft.2
Fairways & Roughs: 6.25-12.5 lbs/M or (275-550 lbs./A)
Landscape Beds: 1.25 lbs./100 ft.2 (i.e. 12.5 lbs/M)
Size: 50 lbs.
Healthy Grow® Pro
Healthy Grow® Pro is an organic-based fertilizer that helps create a healthier growing environment by naturally stimulating microbial activity within the soil; enhancing water holding capacity; and promoting natural tolerance to stress, pests and disease.
SeaGreenEst 15-2-2,
Foliar N 15-2-2 is derived from Urea, Ammonium Nitrate, Magnesium Sulfate, Soy derived Amino Acids, Iron EDTA, Potassium EDTA, Potassium Sulfate, Zinc Sulfate, Ammonium Polyphosphate and Potassium Hydroxide. Also contains 3% Glycine Betaine, which is a natural Osmo protectant to reduce cell water loss and 15% Maine Seaweed extract to promote stress tolerance and root growth.
Rate: Varies
Size: 2.5 gal.
Fase 1
Woody Plants & Trees is designed with all the necessary nutrients for growing ornamental woody plants and trees, both deciduous and coniferous. This material should be placed in the soil by probing or boring a 1 in. hole to a depth of 6 in. at the base of the tree and in rings 4 ft. out and 4 ft. apart, making the outer ring under the outside drip line of the tree. The material should be mixed 1 part product to 10 parts water, and then 2 cups in each probe or boring accordingly. Do this in spring and fall.
Rate: 2,200 ft.2
Size: 2.5 gal.
Stimulate is a highly concentrated microbial formulation with dozens of naturally occurring strains of beneficial microorganisms selected to convert unavailable nutrients to usable forms and produce many other natural substances what work together to enhance soil and plant health.
Rate: 16-32 oz. per A
Size: 2.5 gal.
Liquid Fertilizer
0-0-21 K-Mag
0-0-21-10.5-21 K-Mag is a naturally-occurring mineral that features a balance of Potassium, Magnesium and Sulfur with low chloride levels and neutral pH.
Turf Rate: Varies
Size: 50 lbs.
Gypsum Supercal
SuperCal pelletized Gypsum (0-0-0-21Ca-17S) provides soluble calcium and sulfate sulfur. It improves soil structure, aeration and drainage, resulting in reduced soil surface crusting and improved seedling emergence.
Turf Rate: Varies
Size: 50 lbs.
Pel-Lime 98 MG
Pelletized Limestone is a great way to bring in Calcium and Magnesium while also raising your soil’s pH level. Rates vary depending on your soil sample results. Once soil pH is restored, use 98 MG to maintain pH levels with more frequent, lower rate applications.
Turf Rate: Varies
Size: 50 lbs.
Soil Amendments
5-5-5 FINE GRADE Assure Organic with Mycorrhiza
Bio-Remedy contains 53 different beneficial bacteria strains that recharge soil’s bacteria colonies! The bacteria are in their dormant state for 10 hours after mixing so it can be added into a spray tank while spraying most chemicals. Additionally Bio-Remedy is found in all Assure fertilizers. Use one 10 oz. packet with 32 oz. of Fase1 in 100 gallons of water for flowers.
Rate: 240,000 ft.2
Size: 24x10 oz. (Total Weight=15 lbs.)
Assure Pond Pucks
Assure Pond Pucks contain a biologically diverse microbial system specifically formulated to remove excess nutrients such as phosphates, nitrates and ammonia from the entire water column. When aqueous environments are overloaded with contaminants they tend to become murky and the entire ecosystem becomes unbalanced. When the excess nutrient load is removed the end result is improved water clarity, reduced organic sediment and suspended particulate matter, a reduction in foul odors and an overall improvement in water quality.
Shock Dose: 16 Tablets/Acre Foot
Monthly Maintenance Dose: 8 Tablets/Acre Foot
Size: 10 lbs.
Assure Problem Solving Bacteria
Assure it will survive with HHI! Assure’s beneficial bacteria package is the original HHI bacteria package. Many companies have reduced the genetic diversity of their bacteria; however, Assure’s bacteria package contains 66 different strains of beneficial bacteria.